Want to develop a good relationship with that special someone? Want to build self-efficacy with easy-to-reach goals? Or, you may want to move, sleep, and read more. Whatever it may be, choose something that will help you continue to grow into the wonderful person you are meant to be! Setting an intention is critical to staying on track when motivation runs low. And remember! It takes time to achieve something.

Our intention creates our reality. - Wayne Dyer

During one of our team meetings behind-the-scenes, Team SauFennel planted the seed of thinking about our intentions for the new year. Here we reveal our intentions with you for 2023 since you are “sau” essential to us! We hope this inspires you to renew your intentions for the year and make 2023 a year of growth and prosperity.

What is a community, if not a place where we can share and support one another in our goals?

Farnaz’s Intentions for 2023
If you know me, you know I thrive on a theme! For this year, it’s ‘A Better Me in Twenty-Three!’ (if it rhymes and works, I’ll take it!). Let there be no mistake, I’m always looking to be better at being a:

  • mom.
  • daughter.
  • sister.
  • friend.
  • businesswoman.
  • citizen, etc.
… but this year, I intend to be better to myself! More than ever, keeping a sound body and mind is, well, top of mind. I have the standard intentions to:
  • exercise more.
  • eat less sugar.
  • spend more time with family and friends.
  • read more. 
My big intention this year, though, is to stand in my surety.
2023 will be the year where I:
  • Lean on my faith to guide me.
  • Listen to my gut.
  • Do the things that fulfill me.
  • Do things that (kind of) frighten me… and know I’ll be OK!

I’m unsure exactly how my intentions will present themselves, but I’ll share how ‘23 brings out the Better Me! 

Elisa’s Intentions for 2023
I’m committing to educate myself more on foods lighter in calories but still satiating – the foods that make me feel fuller for longer. For me, it's the little things I can do every day that brings me joy and keeps life interesting. I’m going to:

  • Be more self-aware to identify what triggers my need to eat the foods that make me feel bad and the foods that are high in calories.
  • ... Incorporate our SauFennel mix into this plan because eating fennel seeds in-between meals is a great way to stave off hunger.
  • Create new habits that I can tag onto already established practices, building self-efficacy and making it easier to achieve my goals.

For example, today, I made a healthy salad for lunch instead of waiting to eat all my greens at dinner. Not only did I intend to eat something low-calorie for lunch, but I also added something new. Have you ever tried microgreens? I sprinkled some clover & broccoli microgreens on top of my salad, which took my salad from blah to something much better by adding a peppery zing! It helped me feel more full while getting in more essential nutrients. Some people have said they love sprinkling SauFennel mix on their salad. Adding new flavors to your meal is a great way to sustain your healthy eating efforts. Easy and delicious! 

Amber’s Intentions for 2023
I intend to go easy on myself by making small, consistent changes and developing new habits and routines to support my health. These are some intentions that I have already started to put into practice since 2022 and that I intend to continue and build on:

  • Switching to organic foods whenever possible. 
  • Reduce buying takeout and opt for home-cooked meals (getting the family involved is a “win-win”!).
  • Adding more fruits to my diet. I’ll get to the veggies, too, eventually. Baby steps, remember? At the moment, I struggle to even get in enough fruit!
  • Limit caffeine to 1-2 cups of caffeinated beverage per week. 
  • Consistently working out 5-6 times weekly for at least 20 minutes daily.

Making choices every day

As you sau, sau shall you reap
The seed of hard work that you put into your day-to-day life to implement positive changes will yield great rewards in the form of a healthier lifestyle. If you haven’t been one to make goals, start with one of these:

    • Make sincere intentions for what kind of life you’d like to live. 
    • Journal about it. Put pen to paper and firm your resolve to do better. 
    • You can visualize what the best version of yourself will look like. Can you see yourself with more vitality, less pain, greater flexibility, and better mental health due to all your positive lifestyle changes?
    • Start with small goals that are easy to stay consistent with.
    • Reward yourself for your small victories.
    • Rinse and repeat.

Until next time…


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